BMC Junior Accountant Previous Model Question Papers Download
Brihan Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) has recently come up with the notification for the recruitment of 339 junior accountant and account assistant posts for the Mumbai location. After the release of the notification huge number of interested candidates has applied for this BMC recruitment 2016. This is a good opportunity for those candidates who are looking for a job in the government sector but, there is a huge competition to get through the recruitment process. So, the candidates must try hard to get through the recruitment process of the BMC Jr. Accountant posts. As a part of the selection process, BMC is going to conduct the written exam as the first round of selection and through it the eligible candidates will be shortlisted for the further rounds of selection process. Candidates applied for this jobs need to start their preparation for the exam by referring the exam syllabus and previous question papers thoroughly to qualify in the written test. To help the candidates, we have come up with the information regarding some BMC jr. accountant written test previous papers as below. So, students are advised to refer it to get the details as well as to download the previous papers.
BMC Junior Accountant Exam Details 2016
Name of the Organization: Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)
Category: Previous Question Papers
Post Name: Junior accountant and accounts assistant
Exam Name: Written Exam
Exam Date: February 2016
Official Website:
Download MCGM BMC Jr. Accountant Previous Papers
Those candidates who have applied for the BMC accountant’s recruitment this year will have to write the written exam at first in the month of February as said above. But, to write the exam the candidates need to have an idea about the exam syllabus, pattern and the previous papers. So, that they can prepare well and crack the exam. All this stuff helps the candidates to prepare well and reach the cut off marks that the organization will set.
The previous exam model question papers will help the candidates know the type of questions that would be asked in the exam, total number of sections, difficulty level of the questions, the complete pattern of the test and lots more things. So, students should go through those details of the previous question papers and prepare well for the exam.
Complete Exam Pattern of the Previous Papers
- BMC Junior Accountant exam paper will have totally 3 sections which include General Knowledge for 20 marks, Intellectual Potential for 20 marks and Accounts Relevant Knowledge for 60 marks.
- All the questions asked in those sections are objective type and the language of the questions will be in English and Marathi.
- The paper will be totally for 100 marks.
- There is no negative marking for the wrong answers in the exam.
This was the previous exam pattern till the last year for the BMC Jr. Accountant written exam. This year it is expected the same in the written exam. So, students are advised to refer the pattern till the last year from the papers that are attached below which you can download them for free. The papers would have the following exam syllabus.
Important Topics BMC Jr. Accountant Previous Papers
- General Knowledge:
About Mumbai City – Mumbai & Suburbs Cities, Heritage Structures, Public Transport, Railway (C.R., W.R. & H.R. Lines), Tourist Attractions in Mumbai, Geographical Area & Population, etc.
MCGM – Duties & responsibilities of particular position, Sources of income, Administrative Structure of MCGM, Functions, Services and Water supply facilities provided by MCGM etc.
- Accounts – Intellectual Potential:
Taxation – Service Tax, Income Tax, and VAT, Work Contract Tax.
Accounting – Income & Expenditure, Receivables & Payables, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Bank Reconciliation, Accrued based Double Entry, Cash Transactions and Journal Entries etc.
Auditing – Principles of Audit, Types of Audit.
Costing – Prime Cost, Variable Cost, Cost Analysis, Cost Ratio.
The previous papers will have all the questions asked from these topics. So, download the papers from the following links and go through them thoroughly and prepare for the BMC Jr. Accountant Exam this year.
Important Links :
click here to download General knowledge previous papers
Download: click here to download Accounts model papers
plz previous ouetiom paper
plz previous quetiom paper BMC Jr. accountan
Plz send me jr account & audit.2015 question papaer model.
can u provide previous question paper of junior accountant.
can u provide previous year question paper of junior accountant.
Plz exam & date show
28 Feb
pls exam date confirm & hall ticket status ASAP
Can someone pls give me the link for downloading Previous years questions
can you provide previous year question paper of junior accountant.
Plz send me jr account & audit.2016 question papaer model.
what will be the passing marks for all these subjects.