DAVV CET 2016 Syllabus Exam Pattern : Devi Ahilya Vishwa vidyalaya is conducting a Common Entrance Test for the admissions in various courses. Candidates those who are preparing for the CET should know about the DAVV CET Syllabus and the examination pattern. We are providing you the latest and the updated syllabus according to Common Entrance Test which is going to conduct by the Devi Ahilya Vishwa. Students must know it in order to secure the good marks in entrance test. Candidates can also download the PDF of DAVV CET Paper pattern to study well and in a proper manner from the official site. Students need to visit our site regularly for getting the instant information about the DAVV CET 2016.
DAVV CET 2016 topic wise syllabus
Students those who applied for the admission are now searching for the common entrance test syllabus. For those candidates we are here to provide all the detailed information about the syllabus in topic wise. Syllabus consists of five topics such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and English language. Candidates those who qualifies in this test they will get the admission to the university. Students are advised to refer this syllabus and be prepared for the exam. By knowing the topic wise syllabus candidate can get an idea about the examination and if they prepare with the help of this syllabus they will score more marks in the test.
Topic wise Syllabus of Physics:
Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Current electricity, Thermal Physics, Rotational motion, Work, Power and Energy, Optics, Wave motion, Hydrostatics and fluid mechanics, Electrostatics, Units and dimensions, Kinematics, Gravitation, which includes the study of Bohr’s atomic model, Vibrations, Electromagnetic induction and Modern Physics, pnp and npn transistors etc.
Topic wise Syllabus in Chemistry:
Hybridization of carbon s and p bonds, Alkyl halides, Alcohols, Ethers, Aldehydes and Ketones, Phenols, Fuel Gases, Electronic effects, Aromatic Aldehydes, Bio-molecules Carbohydrates, Gaseous state, Chemical Energetic and Chemical Dynamics, Carboxylic Acids, Aliphatic Amines, Haloarenes, Aminoacids, and Nucleic acids, Reaction. Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, The Periodic Table and Chemical Families, Chemical Equilibria, Redox Equilibria, Colloidal Solutions, Chemistry of metals, Halogen, Electrochemical.
Topic wise Syllabus in Biology:
Biomolecules, Genetics, Mutation, Photosynthesis, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic acids, Enzymes, Chromosomes and Cell Division, Unit of Life, Microscopy and functions of cellular components, Cardiac cycle, Blood pressure, Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system and Blood, Human evolution, Taxonomy and Classification, Population Biology, Tissue and tissue system, Concept of Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Environmental pollution and Nutrition and Digestive system.
Topic wise Syllabus in Mathematics:
Complex Numbers, Permutation and combination, Algebra, Logarithms, Integral calculus, Differential calculus, Circle, Conics, Differential Equations, Matrices, Probability, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Quadratic Equations, Sets, Relations and Mappings, Straight line, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, and Application of Calculus.
Topic wise Syllabus in English Language:
Both poems and the passages in English language should be practiced in order to secure the good marks in this section.
DAVV CET 2016 Exam Pattern
The question papers will be consists of the objective type questions. The written examination papers will be in the english language. The candidate can opt any course from the group if he/she eligible. The exam of Group A shall be include total of 75 questions that following section will have a total of 15 questions each. The exam of Group D LLM shall be include total of 75 questions and covering all the compulsory Law subjects and prescribed by the BCI (Bar Council of India) for the undergraduate courses. M.Sc Life Science or the Industrial Microbiology shall include the total of 75 questions based on the courses content being taught at the graduation level B.Sc in biological sciences. M.Sc Electronics or Electronics and Communication shall include the total of 75 questions by covering all the subject like Physics, Mathematics, Electronics at the level of undergraduate.
Examination Pattern
Sr No | Name of the Subject | No of questions |
1 | Physics | 20 |
2 | Chemistry | 20 |
3 | Mathematics | 20 |
4 | English | 15 |
What is the exam pattern n marks weightage for group A