Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) 722 Vacancies Recruitment 2015 Apply Online
Eastern coalfield limited (ECL) has been announced an official notification 2015 with 722 mining and other vacancies in miscellaneous departments. Applications are invited from the Aspirants those who are willing to work at ECL Organization of India. It is good news for all job hunters those who are searching for latest govt. sector jobs in ECL Organization. Aspirants can proceed to apply for ECL Recruitment 2015 within last date.
ECL Recruitment Notification 2015
ECL recruitment board main function is to release recruitment notification for desired posts and recruit the candidates based on their performance in written test and desired vacancies will going to fill by young dynamic candidates those who possess required eligibility criteria. ECL Recruitment will be suitable for the candidates those who can work in ECL department with energetic performance. s a choice and respective department to built and provide the desired coalfield materials with best to the people with good things. Police category candidates are get inspired by all surrounds of non corrupted police officers and try to give their best to the society with passion. This is good opportunity to get employment in ECL Organization and to work with ECL Authority. Aspirants are advised to go with official declaration for more clarity.
ECL Recruitment Application form 2015
ECL Recruitment notification main target is to recruit talented aspirants for 722 mining and other vacancies. Candidates those who are willing to apply for ECL recruitment initially need to go through instructions of Recruitment board and get awareness about rules and regulations of authority. Highest Category officer can role the society within their single hand by playing main role with required and reasonable rules in the surrounding areas.
ECL 722 Vacancies Recruitment 2015
Applicants can apply using online mode on official web site www.easterncoal.gov.in . Fill the application form in prescribed format with complete details and submit to the authority. Online application are allowed on or before closing Date. Take a hard copy of application after finishing the application procedure for further usage. Interested candidates should possess HSC or 12th Standard from recognized board or university with good academic results and Computer Knowledge with Certification.
Applied candidates will going to short list based on their performance in selection mode. Selection process of ECL Recruitment board includes more than two Phases. Applications should reach the organization on or before closing date 12th November 2015. Go through below information to get more details and for more details aspirants are guided to stay in touch with us.
Details about ECL Recruitment 2015
Name of the Organization: Eastern coalfield limited (ECL)
Name of the Post: Various Posts
Official Web site: www.easterncoal.gov.in
Total number of vacancies: 722 Posts
Vacancy Details:
- Mining Sirdar – 631 Posts
- Overseer – 48 Posts
- Surveyor – 43 Posts
Education Qualification:
Candidates should possess HSC or 12th Standard or Diploma or any equivalent from recognized university or board with good academic results and also should have computer Knowledge.
Age limit: Candidates age must be in between 18 to 30 years on closing Date and age relaxation will be applicable as per norms of authority.
How to apply:
Desired and willing aspirants can apply using online mode form official web site www.easterncoal.gov.in and submit the application on or before closing Date.
Postal Address:
To the Chief Manager (P/Rect.),
Eastern Coalfields Limited,
Personnel Department,
Recruitment Cell (HQ’s),
Subhas More,
P/O- Dishergarh,
Dist: Burdwan,
West Bengal,
Pin code: 713333.
Selection Process:
- Written test.
- Personal Interview.
Pay Scale:
- 19035 PM for Mining Sirdar Posts.
- 20552 PM for Dy. Surveyor.
- 19035 PM for overseer Vacancies.
Important Dates:
- Last Date to apply: 12th November 2015.
- Last Date to get receipt of application: 10th December 2015.
Important links
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