Haryana Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has declared a recruitment notification to fulfill various number of vacancies in all the required fields. Applications are invited from talented and young aspirants to place suitable person for desired vacancies. To apply for Haryana SSC recruitment 2015 candidates need to possess B.A or M.A from recognized board or university with good academic results and Haryana SSC Recruitment is released to recruit suitable candidates for 8793 PGT TGT vacancies. Currently huge number of graduates and unemployed are hungrily waiting recruitment which belongs to Govt sector.
This is good and best opportunity for the candidates those who are dreaming to get job in state govt. sector. Haryana SSC main target is to recruit talented aspirants for occurred vacancies for the posts which belongs to Public service commission. Interested and qualified aspirants can apply using online in official portal www.hssc.gov.in and online applications will be acceptable with all complete details only. Fill the application form in prescribed format with all required details and submit within time. Remember the data which you have entered in application form for further usage.
Haryana SSC TGT Recruitment 2015
To download the admit card aspirants need to provide correct information to get access to your account. PGT TGT vacancies in Haryana region comes with SSC section and desired vacancies are again categorized according to district wise. Job hunters are eagerly waiting for a long time for PGT TGT jobs at Rajasthan, now candidates can have a chance to utilize the opportunity which was announced by Rajasthan government. Aspirants need to possess desired and required qualification levels to apply for allotted vacancies.
Applied candidates must have age limit as minimum of 18 years and maximum as 42 years as per norms of authority. At present competition is more even for low level category jobs which are belongs to govt. sector, so by keep this in mind aspirants need to prepare well with best concentration and have a target to meet their dreams by getting an opportunity in HSSC recruitment. Initially candidates need to go through instruction of Haryana SSC recruitment to get awareness about the recruitment. If you are eligible for all mentioned qualifications then aspirants can proceed to apply as early as possible without late. For more details regarding Haryana SSC PGT TGT recruitment candidates need to visit official notification.
Go to official portal after reading all the instructions candidates can proceed to apply using online by filling the application form in prescribed format. Online applications should be submit on or before closing date. Authority will not recognize the applications which will sent after closing date. Organization will not responsible for the applications rejected due to any reasons, they will not have a chance to get the admit card to attend for the examination. So be careful while applying for the Haryana SSC recruitment 2015. Applied candidates will get Admit card or Hall ticket to get into examination hall. Then after few days authority will declare the results, applicants will be select based on their performance in both written test and personal Interview. Candidates who will qualify in written test can eligible to attend for the interview.
Aspirants should bring required documents such as SSC original certificate, Intermediate certificate, sports certificate(if any) along with recent passport size photo copies along with obtained results in written test to Interview venue. . Organization will again update the information with written test results and Interview scheduled dates.
Name of the Organization: Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Name of the post: PGT TGT
Official web site: www.hssc.gov.in
Age limit: Aspirants age limit should be in between 18 to 42 years and should not exceed more than maximum age and age relaxation will be applicable as per norms of authority.
Education Qualification:
Candidates should possess B.A or M.A with good marks from recognized board or university.
How to apply:
Interested and willing aspirants can apply using online mode on official web site www.hssc.gov.in on or before closing date.
- Logon to the official portal hssc.gov.in.
- Click on Advertisement head line.
- Then select apply Online.
- Application form will appear on the screen with required columns.
- Carefully fill all the details in prescribed format.
- Then Click on Submit option.
- Take a hard copy of application for further usage.
Selection mode:
- Written Test
- Personal Interview
Important Dates:
- Starting Date to apply Online: 21st August 2015.
- Last Date to apply: 21st September 2015.
- Closing Date for payment of application fee: 24th Sep 2015.
Important links
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