Indian Institute of management (IIM) has recently circulated CAT notification for 2015 academic year and also provided CAT 2015 examination pattern. Syllabus, exam topics, etc. Candidates who are dreaming to get admission in Top colleges in Business management through CAT can proceed to apply for notification and then plan with good time table and proper schedule for better preparation. Candidates those who are applied for CAT 2015, need to have awareness about IIM CAT 2015 exam pattern.
IIM CAT 2015 Exam Pattern
Initially candidates need to go through official notification then apply for CAT2015 and read all instruction before going to apply. Here we are providing all examination details with exam pattern, schedule, exam topics, etc. Candidates are guided to have a look on every topics and information to have a better clarification about the examination and exam pattern. CAT is common admission test which is to select the candidates for admission in Business management. To apply for CAT, candidates need to possess any graduation in any discipline with good academic results from recognized board or university. CAT examination 2015 will be held for one day within two sessions i.e.., Forenoon and afternoon.
IIM CAT Exam Schedule 2015
IIM CAT examination is held on 20th November 2015 on Sunday in both sessions forenoon and afternoon. For 2015 IIM CAT examination IIM Ahmedabad is functioning as main organization. According to IIM Ahmedabad pattern CAT 2015 will occurs lot of changes than other IIM CAT exams. We came up with changed exam pattern which is belongs to IIM CAT Ahmedabad, be stay with us for more details. As compared to previous year total time duration for CAT examination is 170 minutes and candidates are allowed to the exam for two sessions forenoon and afternoon.
But this year CAT 2015 pattern was totally changed with small variations. As per CAT 2015 exam pattern examination time duration for CAT 2015 will be 180 minutes, As compared with previous year pattern examination time duration will be extended for 10 minutes extra. This is one of the beneficial thing for CAT 2015 candidates, keep it in mind and have a sufficient plan during examination. IIM CAT 2015 examination will be conduct for 3 hours and total number of questions for CAT 2015 will be 100 questions for 3 hours. Following changes occurred in CAT 2015 as compared to previous exams.
IIM CAT 2015 examination is purely with objective multiple choice questions.
- CAT examination is conduct through computer in online.
- Total examination will be conduct for 180 minutes, each section takes 60 minutes to answer each and every question.
- CAT examination time duration is assigned according to sectional wise, candidates should have a planning to utilize 60 minutes for every section.
- If a candidates complete one section in 60 minutes, that person can easily cover the time duration in the examination hall.
- The total number of questions for CAT 2015 will be 100, and again these questions will be divided into three sections, where as every section can take 60 minutes of time.
- In these three sections, one section is for Quantitative aptitude(QA), next for Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and last section for Verbal and reading comprehension (VRC).
- Candidates need to go through every question, there Is no chance for candidates to skip the questions without attempting a question.
- VRC and QC section will have 34 questions, and DILR for 32 questions, some of the questioned may in in theoretical format, total question will not be in multiple choice.
- For Non objective questions, candidates need to type answers in given column.
- Major Change in CAT 2015 is using calculator during examination, this is the first time in total history of CAT with using of basic screen calculator. IIM CAT examination will be Lunched on October 15th 2015 and candidates should have awareness about the changing examination pattern.
Name of the Organization: Indian Institute of management (IIM)
Name of the examination: IIM CAT 2015.
Number of Questions: 100
Exam time Duration: 180 minutes
Section in question paper:
- Quantitative Ability
- Data Interpretation
- Verbal Ability & Logical reasoning.
Candidates need to have better awareness regarding IIM CAT 2015 examination and need to plan according available days and time for the exam.
Important links:
Download Official CAT 2015 Notification
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