Hey friends here we provide the latest recruitment news regarding the Pratishthan off campus for the fresher candidates to hire in the Pratishthan in various cadres as the fresher’s, so the candidates who have been looking for the Software job in the best organization here is the excellent news for the fresher’s, so the eligible and interested candidates can attend for the Pratishthan Software interview on 3rd July 2015 on Bangalore location so guys hurry up and prepare well for the interview of the Pratishthan Software Venture Pvt Ltd interview. For more recruitment details about the Pratishthan software company candidates can look into the careers site of the Pratishthan software
Pratishthan Software off-campus Fresher Recruitment 2015:
So aspirants who had completed their Graduation in the B.E/B.Tech/ M.E/ M/Tch form the recognized university with the best score from the 2015 batch they all are eligible to attend for the interview so the candidates who have been waiting for the interview they can attend for the interview on 3rd July 2015, on Bangalore location and the interview process is quiet tough as compared with the other recruitment so the candidates should have shown the much effort in the interview of Pratishthan software
Pratishthan Software interview process:
Applicants who wish to attend for the Pratishthan software interview they should have to know the any technology it will useful in the Pratishthan software company interview so applicants should have to prepare well for the interview, the Pratishthan software interview consist the basically three rounds the first round hold the Written exam and second one having the Technical round and final round for the HR so the applicants should have shown the much effort on these rounds to get the job as the software trainee in the Pratishthan software company, and all the best guys.
Name of the organization: Pratishthan Software Venture Pvt Ltd
Website: www.zaubacorp.com
Job Requires: Fresher’s
Role: Software Developer
Interview date: 3rd July 2015.
Location: Bangalore
1st Floor, 1190, 3rd Cross, 26th Main, J P Nagar Phase 1, Bangalore, BANGALORE – 560078, Karnataka INDIA.
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