Rajasthan NRHM answer key 2016
The Rajasthan NRHM exams for the posts of GNM, ANM, Pharmacist, Lab Technician Ayurveda medical officer and Ayush doctor RBSK vacancies on 21st February and 27th February. So many candidates have attended the exam and are waiting to know the answer key, so that they can estimate their results now. The answer keys for them are being provided by us and you can check them out. The official answer keys are to be released soon at the official website “sihfwrajasthan.com”. You can go there to know more information. The Rajasthan National Rural Health Mission has been hiring a total of 7851 candidates for various vacancies this time and all of them will be filled out by the well performed candidates in the exams. For that the results will be given taking some time and you need to wait for them. But the answer keys that are provided by us here for you will help you to pre estimate your chance of being hired.
Also Read: SIHFW Rajasthan Result 2016
SIHFW RAJ NHM GNM ANM Feb 27th Exam Cut Off
Name of Organization: Rajasthan National Rural Health Mission
Official site: sihfwrajasthan.com, nrhmrajasthan.nic.in, www.rajswasthya.nic.in
Number of vacancies: 7851
Date of Exam: 21.02.2016 && 27.02.2016
Category: Answer key
Selection Process: The selection process for this exam is written test and personal interview.
Download Rajasthan NRHM Answer Keys 2016 All Sets
The government of India has taken a step by forming the National Rural Health Mission to address the health needs of the under-served rural people. NRHM came up in April 2005 and it has been started by the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh. The Rajasthan NRHM will look over the health of the rural people in the Rajasthan. It will provide a good treatment and takes care of the people. It is now been providing its service in 18 states in the country.
Raj Swasthya ANM GNM Exam Answer Key 2016 PDF
The answer keys are not yet been officially given and they are to be released very soon. Once they are out you can find them out here on our page and can download them cross check your answers and can estimate your results. They can be released at any time and to know them just be visiting here regularly so that you won’t miss them off. Any other information or data if necessary you can just visit the official site at any time to get them like the previous results, cutoffs etc. We will regularly update the information here so that you won’t miss out anything that you really need to know. So be tuned to this site.
Steps To download Rajasthan NRHM Answer key 2016
- Go to Official Website from the given below link directly.
- Check for the “Rajasthan NRHM answer key link
- Click on that SIHFW RAJ NHM GNM ANM answer key link.
- Check your answers .
- Download or take a Print Out of the Answer key
Important Links :
U send me gnm answerkey of 27 feb. In third sift
you are selected in SIHFW for staff nurse exam hold 28-02-2016 & prepared your documents for registration…..
sir nurse grade 2 pr rit lg gyi kya plzz tell me about this matter
sir ji gnm ki list kb niklegi plzz bataiye….satish chandra ameta dob 24 june 1991
sir GNM answer key 28/2/2016 exam time 11am to 12pm .send me
General boys 80 Girls 75 Obc Boys 74 Girl70 St 69 Girls66
bhai result kb aarha h
nhm ka
nice spch ur
sir GNM ka result KB tk aayega please tell me…
After 20 july coming result mam
Hello sir,
Plz tell me result pharmacist
Please send answer key gnm 28.02.2016 first shift 9.00 am -12.00
Gnm genral cut off
Boys 70
Girl 65
boy ki confrm 70 h ya aap ideal bta rhe ho plz tell mi
send me 27feb2016 cut of ir marrite list
Sir gnm Ke exam Jo march 9 ko 12.30 she 2 pm tak huy uski answer key or general female cut off kya hai
pharmaciesht ka result kab aayega sir 27feb. 2016
Answer key kab tak aayegi any idea to any one….waiting for it eagerly…
can u tell me unani mo cut of list meri gen& obc and male/female
when will u publish answer key
Answer key 27 feb. Exam ki send karo 8:30 to 10:00 ki
Gnm result nhm cut of kitni gai h
sir nhm ka result kb tk aagye ga
Plz sir send me ans key and others information for Gnm exam 27 feb.2016
Sir nhm anm ka result kb aayega of 27 Feb 2016 at 11am.
When the result come of nhm anm on 27 Feb 2016 at 11 am
Plz sir tell me about result gnm exam march 9 my HFW0004572 plz tell me result
Stay lag di
Sir plzzz gnm Ki answer sheet send kijiye na plzzz n gnm ka result KB tk aayega
Dear sir Please tell me about the pharmacist results
sir lab technician 28feb ka result aagya kya
sir send me answer key of gnm exam on 27 march in second sift
sir gnm ka reasult kab tak aa zayega
sir aayush compounder ka result kb tk aayega.plz tell me
sir aayush compounder ka result kb tk aayega.plz tell me
Gnm ka result kab tak aayega sir pls tell
Bhai logo rusalt Anm &gnm ka kab aa raha h
Sir,gnm 28feb first shift ki answer key bhejiye
when the result of NRhM for GNM will be displayed
Sir pharmacist ka results kab tak Ayaga
Sir gnm ka result kab ayaga
Sir Gnm ka results kb tk aayega
Answer seat
Sir ayus compoundr ka result kb tk aayega 27 Feb.2016ka
Sir ayus compoundr ka result kb tk aayega 27 Feb.2016 exam ka
Sir anm merit like list kb declar hog I tell me,please
please tell me sir about ANM cut off merit list
Sir gnm ki ans kye send me 27 Feb 1pm to3pm