Rashtriya Indian Military College RIMC Admission 2015 – 2016 : Rashtriya Indian Military college has been decided to conduct entrance examination to get admissions in Rashtriya Military College RIMC for the academic year 2015 to 2016 at Dehradun. Rashtriya Indian Military Examination will be held on 1st and 2nd of December 2015 and the admissions granted batch will be starts from July 2016. Candidates those who are interested to apply for Rashtriya Indian Military Examination Notification can apply within marked date. Before candidates going to apply, everyone should have an awareness regarding Rashtriya Indian Military Authority. RIMC Examination is to recruit the candidates for admissions in Military Boarding Residential School.
Authority has been released RIMC examination syllabus and schedule for the qualification in examination 2015. Admission lists will be fill depends on candidates performance in Class VIII admission examination , and those candidates will be select through their performance in examination 2015. RIMC Examination for Class VIII will be held once per every academic years as per standards of authority.
Rashtriya Indian Military School is an excellence Public School for boys located in Cooling environment, nice climate conditions along with Sports garden, Greenery nature and Doon valley, etc., from Dehradun in India. This is one of the best College in Military Boarding education schools in Dehradun. Rashtriya Indian Military School was established in 1922 by British Government, The british employees for the training native Indian Cadets for the entry into Military academy. The selected candidates will be trained as officer level of British Indian Army. Applied candidates are also advised to go through official notification www.tnpsc.gov.in for detailed information.
Rashtriya Indian Military Admission Details
Rashtriya Indian Military School entrance examination will be held in two phases such as written test and viva voice test. Written test consists of various subjects such as Mathematics, English and General Knowledge, etc., Examination paper will be available in English and Hindi languages. The selected candidates through written test basis will be allowed to attend for second phase i.e., Interview. Interview test will be conduct based in intelligence, Personality and etc., Here we are providing important dates with detailed information.
Every applicants must have to go through official Notification once to get clear clarification regarding Notification 2015 of Rashtriya Indian Military School. Interested and Desired aspirants can apply using online mode by logon to official web site and online applications will starts receiving from 2nd September 2015 and allowed till 30th September 2015. Applications submission last date will be 30th September 2015 and No other applications are acceptable after closing Date. Aspirants education qualification will be Class VII with good academic results from recognized board or university.
Rashtriya Indian Military Admission Notification 2015
Every candidates should passed certificate in Class VII from concerned School at the time of receiving admission in Rashtriya Indian Military School or College. However the candidate must have VII class certificate till 1st July 2016 i.e., time of admission into Rashtriya Indian Military School or College. Applicants age must be from 11 year to 12 years and age more than 12 years candidates will not be allowed to get apply for Rashtriya Indian Military School entrance examination as per official Norms and Conditions. That is applicants age must be attain 13 years till 1st July 2016 to eligible for VIII standard in Rashtriya Indian Military School. There is no age relaxation will be applicable as per norms of authority. After completion of first phase of selection process candidates will called for interview and Interview Date will be scheduled on 5th April 2016 and to attend for Interview phase aspirants must get on from written test and Authority will update the venue of interview official with clear address as stated in official Notification of Recruitment. Candidates maximum marks will be 50 % to get appear for selection process.
Name of the Organization: Rashtriya Indian Military college
Age limit:
Candidates age must be 11 to 12 years and age relaxation will be applicable as per norms of authority
Education Qualification:
Applicants must have VII standard with 50 % of maximum marks from recognized school with pass certificate.
Selection Process:
- Written test.
- Interview
How to apply:
Eligible candidates can apply through online mode from official web site on or before closing Date.
Important Dates:
- Online applications will starts from: 2nd September 2015.
- Last Date to apply: 30th September 2015
Important links
hello sir,
my self vishnu sawant .i m from mumbai i want job plz suggests me .my qualification is 10+2,ITI (maintenance mechanical) 80%,Bsc(c.s) graduate.& i m 21 yers old u want any gov job .call me 8898733601
hello sir /madam my self harsulhman kang i want to lnow when the result of dec2015 declare you con gave me informationon my e mail adress or my pjone no 9815917961
hello sir/mam
my self harsh sisodia.i had come to lucknow on 1st and 2nd december to give the exam.so i am not getting my result on it s official website.i am requesting to you give the result on my email [email protected] my roll no. is 249 so please as soon as possible.
thank you…………
Hello sir
My self Nigam Yadav.I had came to Lucknow for give the exam on 1,2 December.I am requesting to you please send my result on Identified [email protected] phone no is 8954951577
Thank you……..
Hello sir
My self Nigam Yadav.I had came to Lucknow for give the exam on 1,2 December.I am requesting to you please send my result on [email protected] phone no is 8954951577
Thank you……..
Hello sir
My self Nigam Yadav.I had came to Lucknow for give the exam on 1,2 December. please send my result on [email protected] phone no is 9759957151
Thank you……..
my self ayush kumar , roll no. 126
dear sir , please give my result on my self email
that exam held on 1 and 2 dec-15 at patna.