RRB Kolkata NTPC Admit Card 2016
RRB Kolkata NTPC Admit Card 2016 at present released by the official members of Railway Recruitment Board. The Kolkata RRB board performed the written test on specified date. Huge numbers of applicants are registered for these exams now they are waiting for the Hall ticket of RRB Kolkata NTPC exam 2016. So that candidate will be waiting for verifying their timings and exam centres with the official admit card. After declaring the admit cards candidates must prepare well for their written examination sincerely to obtain success in the test. All the applicants are required to stay connected to the official website of the RRB board in there they can take the hall ticket in PDF format. Wish you good luck for your exam. Here we have given all the particulars concerning the RRB Kolkata NPTC Hall Ticket 2016.
Also Read: RRB Non Technical Exam Admit Card 2016 Download
RRB Kolkata ASM Goods Guard Admit Card 2016 Download
In the previous little weeks, Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) releases to recruit fresh, capable and brilliant workers for its branch of Kolkata i.e. RRB Kolkata. RRB is a government association which was created up in 1998 in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), New Delhi, India. Today we are here to approach with the RRB Kolkata NTPC Admit Card 2016 Exam This employment board was enclosed with frequent objectives such as formulation of strategy in observes to employment process, to estimate the presentation of all Railway Recruitment Boards and counsel them on precedence as necessary and to systematize an organization information scheme for checking work complete by RRB’s etc. It mostly works for the selection of fresh employees to occupation in the Indian Railways. This recruitment board has approximately 21 branches positioned in dissimilar states of the country. Each year they perform different exams to employ fresh candidates in some particular branch.
RRB Kolkata Hall Ticket 2016 Details
Organization Name: Railway recruitment Boards
Organization Website: www.rrb.gov.in
Post names: Non Technical Posts
Total number of Posts: 1408
Job Location: Kolkata
Job Category: Govt Jobs 2016
Name of the Category: Admit Card or Hall Ticket
Written Exam Date: Available
Admit Card Download Before: 20 days of the exam
How to Download Railway Recruitment Board Kolkata ASM and Goods Guard Admit Card 2016?
- Go to the official website of RRB board.
- Search for link of Hall Ticket 2016
- Fill the roll number and given name accurately.
- Applicant able to download the card in PDF format
- Your hall ticket displayed on the screen.
- Save the PDF file for further use.
RRB Kolkata ASM and Goods Guard Admit Card 2016
As this year they planned a written examination for Kolkata branch i.e. RRB Kolkata. This occasion the board needs to employ innovative applicants for the posts of ASM, Clerk, and Stenographer etc. There are about 18252 seats obtainable for the above provided posts. A Huge number of applicants has registered for this exam and must have started practising for the exam. In the written examination, only objective kind questions will be asked in the form of multiple choice questions. Exact time duration will be given to entire the examination and OMR sheets will be given to the applicants to score out the accurate answers. There will be no negative marking in the test.
Admit card is one of the significant documents for each exam and to each applicant. Admit cards consist various important information about the exam. Information like examination centre name, exam venue, the date for the exam, candidates’ name, the individuality of the applicants are given in the admit card. Some commands are also mentioned on the admit cards, which the applicants are recommended to go after in the examination hall. It is necessary for each single applicant and for all applicants, it will be uploaded on the certified website of the association. Applicants must download the RRB Kolkata ASM Admit Card 2016 from the board official site. As the applicants must take hall tickets to exam hall without the admit cards will not be approved to attend in the exam.
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Laxman Kumar chaudhary
Date of birth 15 02 1993
Registration no 2271554192