Telangana Police Constable Admit Card 2016
Telangana State Level Police Admit card 2016 for Constable vacancies they have to collect their e-admission slip for exam.It is a great news for who are looking for police recruitment for constable vacancies in Civil, AR, SAR CPL and TSSP are now they can download call letter of prelims exam it is going to held on 3rd April 2016 in Telangana State level Police recruitment board website. The candidates who are applied for 9281 Constable vacancies they have to collect their e-admission slip for exam because without Admit cards candidates are not allowed to exam. This is a very good news to the aspirants of Telangana. The telangana State Police is reputed and popular law enforcement agency for Telangana in India by DGP (Director General of Police).
The vacancies are 9281 for these they got a huge number of applications on online :
Before a couple of months ago TSLPRB has issued TS Police Constable Notification for SCT, SPF and Firemen posts through online. The vacancies are 9281 for these they got a huge number of applications on online the registration has started from 11th January to 4th February 2016 on official site i.e
Now the aspirants are checking for Admit cards for prelims. For those who are applied for TSLPRB we are recommending to book mark our website because of Admit cards. Admit cards are important because in Admit cards there is a much information like seat no, center name, photo of candidates, signature and exam timing will mentioned in Admit card.
The process to download the Admit card 2016:
First visit official website www.tslprb website
Then move to constable recruitment selection, in this you can find the link for Hall ticket 2016 for prelims then click on it.
Then after you can now enter the details which are required after submitting details then you can download the Hall ticket.
No. of posts 9281, for these posts they have divided for Civil 1810 (men and women), AR 2760 (men and women), SAR CPL 56 (men), TSSP 4065 (men), SPF 174 (men).
Important Links :
Telangana Constable Exam Admit Card
How to download ts police constable admit card? I am trying many times but still i cannot find.