Telangana State Public Service Commission –TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2015 for 15222 Govt Jobs has been issued. Candidates those who are eager for TSPSC Vacancies 2015 can make use of this opportunity and apply for TSPSC Jobs 2015. The Official Notification of TSPSC yet to be released. The TSPSC has given the paper advertisement for corresponding vacancies. Hence job seekers in Telangana State can get ready to apply with all necessary documents of education, experience, age, identity, and other relevant certificates/ documents. Interested candidates can check the other details from Telangana PSC Official page,
Telangana Govt Jobs Notification 2015
The Telangana State PSC inviting applications from interested and eligible aspirants. Candidates with an educational qualification of Graduate Degree/ Diploma/Inter/ 10th Class / Equivalent qualification can apply for various posts according to their qualification. Age limit of the applicants must be in between 18 to 40 years. Age relaxation will be applicable for reserved category candidates as per the Govt norms.
TSPSC Recruitment 2015
The Telangana Sate Public Service Commission recruitment was advertised for massive number of vacancies in various departments, Agriculture & Cooperation, PR&RD, I&CAD , MA&UD , Home , Revenue, and various other departments. Job seekers can check the details from below listings. The TSPSC Official Notification for 15222 Vacancies 2015 will be releasing soon on TSPSC website. Aspirants can stay tuned and update the TSPSC page for notification. Candidates can stay connected to our page for latest announcements of Telagana PSC jobs.
Telangana DSC Transco SPDCL NPDCL 2681 Recruitment 2015
Interested and eligible candidates can apply for TSPSC Vacancies 2015 soon after the online application date is announced. The application fee, important dates, pay scale and other details of the TSPSC Recruitment 2015 will be announced with the official advertisement. Selection of eligible candidates will be done through written test and interview like all PSCs selection process. Selected aspirants will get good pay scale as per Govt norms.
TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2015 Details
Organization : Telangana State Public Service Commission
Category : Telangana Govt Jobs
Location : Telangana State
Website :
Total Posts : 15222
Telangana State Public Service Commission Category-wise Vacancies 2015
Agriculture & Cooperation:
- Commissioner & Director of Agriculture:
- Agriculture Officer: 120
- Agriculture Extension Officer Gr-II: 311
- Commissioner of Horticulture:
- Horticulture Officer- 75
- Engineer-in-Chief (Administration):
- Assistant Engineer : 252
- Assistant Executive Engineer- 159
- Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration:
- Grade II Municipal Commissioner-29
- Grade III Municipal Commissioner-19
- Health Assistant in Municipalities-50
- Sanitary Inspector-35
2.Public Health:
- Assistant Engineer-389
- Assistant Executive Engineer-126
- CAD Operator-59
- Technical Officer-54
- Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC):
- Bill Collector- 124
- Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board:
- Assistant – Finance & Accounts-115
- Deputy General Manager Finance-2
- Manager Engineering-146
- Technician Grade-II (CB) (WS)-10
- Technician Grade-II (EB) (WS)-19 f. Technician Grade-II (MB) (WS)-15
- Town & Country Planning:
- Town Planning Building Overseer-123
- Engineer-in-Chief (General & Panchayat Raj):
- Assistant Executive Engineer-161
- Assistant Engineer-243
- Panchayat Raj:
- Mandal Parishad Development Officer-23
- EO PR&RD-67
- Excise:
- Prohibition and Excise Constable-340
- Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector-220
- Commercial Taxes:
- Assistant Commercial Tax Officer-105
- Registration and Stamps:
- Sub Registrar Gr.II:23
- Engineer-in-Chief (R&B, NH, ADMN., ROB/RUBS):
- Draughtsman III Grade-58
- Assistant Engineer-42
- Assistant Executive Engineer-83
- Transport Commissioner, Telangana:
- Transport Constable-141
- Assistant Motor Vehicles Inspector-45
State Level Police Recruitment Board
- D.G. Special Protection Force:
- Sub Inspector-12
- Constable-174
- Director General&Inspector General of Police:
- Armed Reserve Police Constable-2760
- Police Constable – (State Armed Reserve Central Police Lines)-56
- Police Constable 1810
- Police Constable -TSSP- 15th Battalion-349
- Police Constable -TSSP- except 15th Battalion-2860
- Sub-Inspector (Civil)-107
- Sub-Inspector (AR)-91
- TSSP RSI- 288
- Sub-Inspector (Communications)-35
- Sub-Inspector (PTO)-6
- Director General of State Disaster Response and Fire Services:
- Fireman-416
- Driver Operator-85
- Station Fire Officer-9
Departmental Selection Committe :
- Assistant Engineer-988
- Sub-Engineer-92
- Assistant Engineer-309
- Sub-Engineer-314
- Assistant Engineer- 427
- Sub-Engineer- 153
- Assistant Engineer-224
- Sub-Engineer-174
Eligibility Criteria for TSPSC Recruitment 2015 Openings
Qualification: The candidates should possess the 10th/12th class/ Any Graduation from recognized University or equivalent.
Age Limit: TSPSC recruitment 2015 age limit should be 18 years to 44 years
Application Fee: N/A
Selection Process: The candidates selection will be based on performance in Written Test and Personal Interview.
Application Mode: Online Mode Only
How to apply TSPSC Latest Notification Jobs 2015
Interested and eligible candidates can apply Online through on before last date given by tspsc.
Important Dates
Online application Starts from: Updates Shortly
Last date for TSPSC Posts 2015: Updates Shortly
Important Links :
Click Here to Download TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2015
Click Here to apply for TSPSC Vacancies 2015 & Apply Online
equal justice
sir i am completed my b tech ece with 70% marks .am i eligible for this job sir
I completed graduation in distance.. Am I eligible for these job to apply?
And I don’t have inter..
sir i was compleated ece in 2012 please release notification for ece branch
sir am compieted iti draughtsman civil …..when are you released draughtsman grade 3 jobs…plz say am elizible that job…or not
sir iam completed my bscagri in other state con i apply ther is any enquary no plz inform sir my no 8688772094
i had completed my 3 rd (mechanical).can i apply this job
sir i have completed am i eligible for this job
sir, i am complete graduation and i have done ms-office course in govt. certify institute. Can i eligible in GHMC bill collecter post… please reply. cell:7093411267
hi sir am anoosha complited b-tech eligible this job plz up dates sir
anoosha complited the b-tech ece branch sir complited my graduation plz sir
Sir i have completed agricultural engineering for which jobs in tspsc are eligible me to apply
I have complete agricultural engineering for which jobs in tspsc i can apply
sir I completed my by agricultural engineering
for what kind of jobs I eligible in tspsc
hi sir,
i completed my with 77.2%…can i eligible for manager engeering….plzz reply as soon as possible
Thank you
Sir l am compleated multipurpose health assistent male coures am i eligible for health assistent job
sir i am completed M TECH (PLANNING) AND DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE ,is there any vacancy post as asst city planner in ghmc or corporations in telengana state if any vacancies please give the details
thanking you
c bhaskar rao
sir my study is degree comlete in 2012 for this jop eligiblel pliss notificution
Hi am manasa graduate may I eligible for municipal corporation administration post
Namaskaram sir I have compleated health assistent course in MPHA Mail. I am eligible for in health assistent job sir
Hallo Sir I have compleated Health Assistent Course in MPHA Maile. I am eligible for this job sir
sir,iam completed mpha (male)course.when i expected health assistants jobs notification?
plzz sir i want any job iam degree disc
any one tellme sir, and this is my phone number 8184900868
sir i am completed DEGREE IN BSC COMPUTERS ,is there any vacancy post as a clerk or attender or typist in ghmc or corporations in telengana state if any vacancies please give the details
thanking you
natha shailika
sir, i am complete ITI IN (CUTTING SEWING) and i have completed NCC cource in govt certificate also. i have computer knowledge and also typist,ms office,ms excel. Can i eligible in GHMC bill collecter post… please reply. cell: 8686892193
attlure alekhya
Respected sir,I am completed M.A(Rural Development) Distance in K.U SDLCE plz my recruitment information….reply must …Thanks
Am completed My intermediate am waiting for any job related banking.
I completed my Degree I’m Looking to apply Excise police
Dear sir .
Iam completed iam vocational intermediate automobile. So I what to apply Excise deportment job.
Sir when will sanitary inspector notification release?
Y delay
dear sir…i have completed degree and dmpha ..sir iam waiting for notifications of ghmc sanitary inspectors and public health assistant job. when will realease this notifications .please tell abot this notification from news..thanking you sir.
Sir good after noon
i completed my Bsc (Applied Nutrition & public Health ) , MPHA course sir i am waiting for notifications sir
please tell recruitment syllabus and model questions when are taking material sir
thanking you sir
Dear sir,
please release Health Assistant (Male) Job notification we are waiting for the last 13 years
Dear sir,
I completed ssc waiting for Any sutabul job for me.
I have completed pg in MA nd I also completed B.Ed but I am inter discontinued.plz tell me is am eligible for excise and transport constable posts.
sir I’m completed mpha male. com up jobs notification in telangana plz answer sir