UP TGT PGT Syllabus Exam Pattern: Teaching jobs these days are considered a blessing for females. Why? It is because teaching jobs are safe for female workers, more stable, and easily manageable. Also, females have a much greater motherly instinct towards handling and teaching the students. Hence, most of the females are inclined towards a safe and secure teaching job. But, education is something that ought to be taken seriously. Not anyone can come up and take a teaching job! After all, a teacher has to train the future of our country. Therefore, these days the Government has planned written examinations to apply for teaching jobs. The exams are mostly divided by the states accordingly.
Uttar Pradesh is a large state to consider. Here there are two written examinations that are held for the teaching vacancies, namely TGT and PGT.
In this article, you will get complete information about these two exams, their eligibility, exam pattern, dates, qualifications required, etc.
UP TGT/PGT is a written examination for the recruitment of TGT(Trained Graduate Teacher) and PGT(Post Graduate Teacher) conducted by UP Government for the vacancies in Intermediate and High School colleges of UP. Many interested and eligible candidates fill the Application form for this exam.
The reputation of the exam is increasing day by day. Due to high demand, many coaching institutes are providing various courses and classes to crack this exam.
The pattern of the written exam is:
Type of Question-Objective Type
The duration of the exam is 2 hr.
The exam syllabus consists of various sections such as Language, Literature, etc.
The selection process will be based on a written exam, interview, and Special qualification basis.
UP TGT/PGT exam has become a new craze for the young generation.The number of applicants for this exam is increasing year by year.
UPSESSB UP TGT PGT Syllabus Exam Pattern, Selection Process Download
UPSESSB has disclosed much-awaited notification considering the excitement of the job seekers in the state. It has invited applications from the interested aspirants for the 6 canceled subjects. The online applications are open for the candidates again. The authority will accept the application forms starting from 17th September 2018. Candidates can choose other subjects of their desire instead of these subjects. The canceled subjects are namely Biology, Music, Woodwork, Bookcraft, Stenography and 2 Subjects of PGT are Botany, Music. Interested candidates can download the notification and read through it clearly before applying for the posts.
UPSESSB TGT PGT Re-online Application Download
The official notification for re-online application for canceled subjects has been issued officially by UPSESSB very recently. Contenders who wish to apply for the posts can download the notification from online and know the particulars before applying. It is highly expected that UPSESSB would organize the UP TGT PGT exam in the month of December this year. For more detailed info regarding this notification and online re-application, you can visit the official website of UPSESSB. Every year UPSESSB invites applications for TGT & PGT Teacher Posts. The actual notification was released in June 2016. There were 7950 vacancies as per the notification for TGT Teacher & 1344 vacancies for PGT Teacher posts.
UPSESSB TGT PGT Syllabus Download
Candidates who have filled application forms in the year 2016 are now waiting eagerly to know the written exam dates. As the application process has begun and the exams are likely to be conducted in December, which is very nearby, candidates have been searching for the syllabus to start their preparation. Today we are here with the syllabus and exam pattern for the UP TGT PGT written exam. We are also here to provide you the selection process details in this article.
Selection Process for UPSESSB TGT PGT Exam
The selection process plays a key role in shortlisting the candidates for the posts. The UP TGT PGT selection process is of 100 Points (100%). The weightage is shared between the written exam and interview. While the written exam was given 85% marks weightage, the interview was given 10% marks weightage. Another 5% weightage is allotted for special qualification i.e., 2% Marks for Ph.D./ D.Fill Qualification, 2% Marks for M.Ed Qualification, 1% Marks for B.Ed Qualification.
UP TGT PGT Exam Pattern
- The written exam is of objective multiple choice type.
- The marks for the written exam paper with being allotted subject wise accordingly.
- The exam will be held for a duration of 2 hours.
UP TGT PGT Syllabus
The syllabus for UP TGT PGT exam is currently available for download online in PDF format. The subjects list can be downloaded online. The syllabus can be downloaded subject-wise from online in PDF file format. Aspirants are advised to bookmark our website for the latest updates regarding the UP TGT PGT written exam and interview. Candidates are suggested to hurry up and download the syllabus and exam pattern as soon as possible so that they can start their reading for the exam. The official website to download the syllabus and exam pattern is http://upsessb.org/.
Important Links:
UP TGT PGT Syllabus
Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board is known as UPSESSB has released the notification to fill 9572 TGT PGT jobs. The candidates who are interested and eligible can apply for these posts before the last date. We are advising the candidates to refer to the official website before applying to know the eligibility criteria.
The UPSESSSB conducts every year various exams to recruit eligible candidates in the teaching department. Through the UPSESSSB PGT exam Post, Graduate Teachers for Class VI to class VIII teacher posts will recruit.
UP Act no 5 of 1982 as passed by the Uttar Pradesh legislature an act to establish the Secondary education according to act 1982 for the selection of teachers in institutions recognized under the intermediate education act 1921. Uttar Pradesh secondary education service selection board has released Trained graduate teacher exam to fill up Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Physical education, Social, music, maths, Biology, etc.
Exam Pattern of UP TGT PGT
UP TGT PGT exam consists of two papers i.e part 1 and part 2, Part 1 consists of English and Hindi, and Part 2 consists of General Knowledge, Hindi, and subjects were chosen. The exam conducts for 200 marks. The question that consists of the exam is Multiple Choice Questions. The duration of the exam is 3 hours. There is a negative marking in this exam. For each wrong answer, they will cut 1/4th marks.
TGT and PGT selection will be held on three type process
Written test: 85 marks
Interview: 10 marks
Qualification: 5 marks
Subjects for UP TGT PGT Study :
For Trained Graduate Teachers: Sanskrit, Agriculture, Sociology, Home Science, Mathematics, English, Urdu, Science, Commerce, Physical Education, Zoology, Hindi, Arts, Music, Physical Education, Katai Bunai and Silai For Post Graduate Teachers: Home Science, Music, Geology, Physics, Hindi, Military Science, Psychology, Chemistry, Geology, Agriculture, Mathematics, Economics, Education, Sanskrit, Reasoning, Pali, History, and Civics respectively.
Selection procedure
The candidates will select the basis on the Merit in the written exam then the next round is the interview. The written exam consists of 85 percent, Interview 10 percent, and Special qualification 5 percent marks. A huge number of students are searching for a syllabus. The first day they have conducted the exam for subjects like Economics, Biology, Military Science, Home Science, Hindi, Civics, Chemistry, Psychology, Urdu, Music vadan, and Agriculture. On the second day, they have conducted the exam for subjects like Sociology, English, Music, Pali, Botany, Sanskrit, Physical education, Physics, Chemistry, Education, Mathematics, Logic, Geography, and Art.
Click here for UP TGT Exam Syllabus
उत्तर प्रदेश टीजीटी पीजीटी सिलेबस
उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा सेवा चयन बोर्ड UPSESSB के रूप में जाना जाता है अधिसूचना जारी किया है 9572 टीजीटी पीजीटी नौकरियों को भरने के लिए। उम्मीदवारों जो रुचि रखते हैं और अंतिम तारीख से पहले इस पद के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं पात्र हैं। हम पात्रता मानदंड को पता है appyling से पहले आधिकारिक वेबसाइट उल्लेख करने के लिए उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दे रहे हैं।
उत्तर प्रदेश टीजीटी पीजीटी
UPSESSSB शिक्षण विभाग में योग्य उम्मीदवारों की भर्ती के लिए हर साल विभिन्न परीक्षा आयोजित करता है। UPSESSSB पीजीटी परीक्षा पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट आठवीं कक्षा शिक्षक पदों के लिए छठी कक्षा के लिए शिक्षकों के माध्यम से भर्ती करेगा।
उत्तर प्रदेश अधिनियम 1982 की कोई 5 के रूप में उत्तर प्रदेश विधानमंडल द्वारा एक अधिनियम पारित कर दिया इंटरमीडिएट शिक्षा अधिनियम के तहत मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थानों में शिक्षकों के चयन के लिए अधिनियम 1982 के अनुसार माध्यमिक शिक्षा स्थापित करने के लिए 1921 में उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा सेवा चयन बोर्ड प्रशिक्षित स्नातक जारी किया है शिक्षक परीक्षा हिंदी, संस्कृत, उर्दू, शारीरिक शिक्षा, सामाजिक, संगीत, गणित, जीव विज्ञान, आदि को भरने के लिए
उत्तर प्रदेश टीजीटी पीजीटी की परीक्षा पैटर्न
उत्तर प्रदेश टीजीटी पीजीटी परीक्षा दो पत्रों भाग 1 और भाग 2 अर्थात होते हैं, भाग 1 अंग्रेजी और हिंदी होते हैं और भाग 2 सामान्य ज्ञान, हिंदी और विषयों चुना होते हैं। परीक्षा 200 अंकों के लिए आयोजित करता है। सवाल होते हैं में परीक्षा एकाधिक पसंद सवालों है। परीक्षा की अवधि 3 घंटे है। वहाँ एक नकारात्मक इस परीक्षा में अंकन है। प्रत्येक गलत उत्तर के लिए वे 1/4 के निशान में कटौती करेगा।
टीजीटी और पीजीटी चयन तीन प्रकार की प्रक्रिया को आयोजित होगा
लिखित परीक्षा: 85 निशान
साक्षात्कार: 10 अंक
योग्यता: 5 अंक
उत्तर प्रदेश टीजीटी पीजीटी अध्ययन के लिए विषयों:
के लिए प्रशिक्षित स्नातक शिक्षक: संस्कृत, कृषि, समाजशास्त्र, गृह विज्ञान, गणित, अंग्रेजी, उर्दू, विज्ञान, वाणिज्य, शारीरिक शिक्षा, जूलॉजी, हिंदी, कला, संगीत, शारीरिक शिक्षा, Katai Bunai और Silai पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट टीचर्स के लिए: गृह विज्ञान, संगीत, भूविज्ञान, भौतिकी, हिंदी, सैन्य विज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान, रसायन विज्ञान, भूविज्ञान, कृषि, गणित, अर्थशास्त्र, शिक्षा, संस्कृत, तर्क, पाली, इतिहास और नागरिक शास्त्र क्रमशः।
चयन प्रक्रिया
उम्मीदवारों की लिखित परीक्षा में मेरिट के आधार पर चयन करेंगे तो अगले दौर साक्षात्कार है। लिखित परीक्षा में 85 प्रतिशत, साक्षात्कार 10 प्रतिशत, और विशेष योग्यता 5 प्रतिशत अंकों के होते हैं। छात्रों की एक बड़ी संख्या पाठ्यक्रम के लिए खोज रहे हैं। पहले दिन वे अर्थशास्त्र, जीव विज्ञान, सैन्य विज्ञान, गृह विज्ञान, हिंदी, नागरिक शास्त्र, रसायन विज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान, उर्दू, संगीत vadan और कृषि जैसे विषयों के लिए परीक्षा का आयोजन किया है। दूसरे दिन समाजशास्त्र, अंग्रेजी, संगीत, पाली, वनस्पति विज्ञान, संस्कृत, शारीरिक शिक्षा, भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान, शिक्षा, गणित, तर्क, भूगोल और कला जैसे विषय के लिए परीक्षा का आयोजन किया है।
यहां उत्तर प्रदेश टीजीटी परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम के लिए क्लिक करें
Please send me the syllabus of up pgt 2016 of chemistry
sir ,i am uptet passed candidate can i am eligible for up tgt exam . and give me the knowlglde that if we choosen science subject then we need to prepare biology subject also.
Vidanta academy u r join
Vidanta academy u r join at patrakarpuram arohi plaza lko
if i have choosen sanskrit subject for TGT exam what is meaning of conducting paper I for hindi and english. if so what will be the syllabus
I have done my b.sc from microbiology
I have done B.Ed
Why i cant give TGT
But in BSc i studied zoology and microbiology
Plz tell me about this sir
please tell me about the syllabus of the pgt of English
Please give me U.P tgt & pgt commerce syllabus
Please send me the syllabus of up tgt 2016 of drawing & physical edu
please art ka syllabus
plz send me the syllabus of up tgt (social science )
and PGT Geography 2016.
Please send tgt & pgt commerce syllabus of u.p 7827511250
pls send syllabus pgt civics and tgt social science
sir I am b.tech .can I apply for pgt .can I choose physics as a optional subject.Thanku for your reply
Please send me the syllabus of tgt and pgt maths
sir pgt biologyckA shallabus kyA hai
sir plz send tgt seyllabus sanskrit and hindi
Plz plz plz send me up pgt syllabus of drawing subject for exam.
Sir plz send me UP TGT syllabus of zoology and botany.
Sir;please send me eligibility for Hindi subject.For TGT and P GT.
pls send me tgt English syllabus
i want to syllabus for PGT Commerce and pgt economics
Please provide me the syllabus of hindi. I can not prepare myself without the syllabus. So kindly provide me the syllabus as soon as possible.
My Subject Hindi I am B.ed Qualified
Sir, I have Tet and the syllabus is not PGT Sir, please help me and send me the syllabus of Tejt and PGT Gmail ID
Plz tell me abiut d syllabus of tgt-arts up
Pl tell me d syllabus of tgt-arts up
Please send pgt physics pattern and syallbus