UPSSSC Junior Assistant Result 2021- The higher authority of the UP Subordinate Selection Commission had invited 1186 posts for their Junior Assistant. The first phase of the exam which is the written test has successfully been conducted on 4th January 2021. After a gap of 3months, they have released their results on 9th April 2021. They had also conducted the next phase of the exam which is the typing test and the examination was held from 13th January to 23rd January 2021. Candidates can download their results from the official website of UPSSSC that is by putting in their details. The next step for the selection process is said on the result itself. The cut-off for the year 2021 will be depending on the following criteria like previous year marks, the difficulty of the test, and the number of candidates who attended the examination.
UPSSSC Junior Assistant (JA) Results 2020 : Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has issued a recruitment notification inviting applications for the post of Junior Assistant in Govt department. As per UPSSSC notification there are 1186 vacant positions. Eligible aspirants attempted the UPSSSC exam in various centers of the state on 4th, January in process of recruitment. As the exam successfully competed and it has been more than three months since the exam has been completed. Uttar Pradesh higher officials will release the results of written exam soon in this month as it is already decided. More than one lakh interested candidates appeared for the exam. The results are available in the official site of UPSSSC.

Here Candidates can check the selection process of UPSSSC
- Writen Test
- Typing Test
- Interview
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Merit Card and Cut Off Marks 2020
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) will issued merit card along with results in the mentioned official website. As always this year too, great numbers of aspiring candidates have enrolled under UPSSSC to take the exam. Cut off marks will be playing vital role in the process.
Candidates who have taken exam for Junior Assistant posts under UPSSSC are advised to visit the official site of it to check their results online. UPSSSC will upload the results list of qualified candidates in its official page. We suggest all the candidates who have appeared for JA exam under UPSSSC to immediately visit its site and to check the results. The official site of UPSSSC is
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Results 2020
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is a state body that works towards recruiting merit and talented candidates to fill in various vacant positions in various departments. It is the one that is responsible to release the notification for recruitment and is one to conduct examination as well as release the result. Of many recruitment exams it conducts, Junior Assistant exam is one. Like every year this year too UPSSSC has released a notification welcoming applications in fill in 1186 vacant positions for the post of Junior Assistant (Kanistha Sahayak). UPSSSC has now released the results of Junior Assistant through its official page. Candidates who have taken Junior Assistant exam can check their results through the official page of UPSSSC. The official web portal of UPSSSC is
Particulars about UPSSSC Junior Assistant exam 2020
Name of the exam conducting body: Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
Name of the Post: Junior Assistant/JA (Kanisth Sahayak)
Date of the Exam: January 4th, 2020
Official website:
How to check UPSSSC Junior Assistant Results 2020?
We have written simple steps below on how to check UPSSSC junior assistant results. You can just go through them to know to check your results instantly.
- Visit the official site of UPSSSC i.e.,
- In the official page you can find highlighting link of UPSSSC Junior Assistant results on the right side.
- Click on the link and you will be navigated to a new page where you need to enter you registration number, date of birth, gender and enter verification code provided in the field and press on see result button.
- On clicking see result button your result will be displayed on the screen.
- Take a printout of your result for future use.
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