West Bengal JEE 2016 Admit Card Download
West Bengal JEE 2016 Admit Card : Board of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination has recently released the notification for WBJEE 2016. West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination 2016 is inviting all the eligible candidates those have completed their 12th standard or Intermediate. All the interested and eligible applicants have been applied for this examination and now all the candidates are waiting for release of WBJEE Admit Cards or Hall Ticket, so that they can appear in the examination. One can not appear in the examination if he/she do not carry the admit card in the examination hall. Without the admit card candidates will not be granted to appear in the examination. To download the Admit card, there is a link which will be uploaded below. Candidates are requested to follow the below steps to download the admit card of West Bengal JEE 2016.
Name of the Organization: Board of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination
Name of the Examination: West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) 2016
Category: admit cards
Official Website: www.wbjeeb.in
WBJEE Admit Card 2016
It is very very important to carry West Bengal JEE 2016 Hall Ticket or Admit Card on the day of examination. The West Bengal JEE Admit Card 2016 which will also carry a unique roll number and which will be allotted to each and every applied candidate. The roll number and Date of Birth are required to download their Admit Card can apply for the counseling. So, the candidates are requested to take their admit card or Hall Ticket to the examination hall. Once the process of online application is completed then WBJEE will be releasing the admit cards or Hall tickets for the applicants in the official web portal of WBJEE. Applicants those have applied for this WBJEE 2016 examination on or before the last date are only eligible to get the WBJEE Admit Cards or Hall Tickets. Hall Tickets for WBJEE Exam 2016 is provided below for you.
WBJEE Admit Card 2016
JEE Mains is also known as Joint Entrance Examination. Before the year 2014, there was only one test that was conducted for taking admission into the IIT and the other different institutes of Engineering but in the year 2014 Ministry of Human Resource Development which is Government of India has taken the decision to conduct the JEE examination. Applicants those who qualify in JEE main examination, they will get the seat to take the admission into IIT’s. This examination is for all India level examination and every year a huge number of candidates will be participating. The level of examination is very high and the competition is also very tough. Only the top rankers in these examinations able to get admission into IIT’s and in other top institutes like NIT’s. Joint Entrance Examination will be conducted in two papers. Paper-1 is for admission in B.E. or B.Tech that will be conducted in online mode and Paper-2 is for admission in B. Arch and B. Planning which will be conducted. To download this WBJEE 2016 Admit Card, candidates need the application number and also password is required. So, applicants are advised to keep it near while downloading it.
Go through the below mentioned steps for Downloading your Admit Card of WBJEE 2016
Candidates are requested to go through the below steps to download the Admit Card of WBJEE Admit Card 2016.
- Log on to official website www.wbjeeb.in or click on the below link provided for you
- First you will see the Home Page
- Then Find WBJEE Admit Card 2016 link
- Click on WBJEE Admit Card 2016
- Fill your Application details
- Enter your DOB
- After filling all the details then put the Security Pin
- Your will see the Admit Card on the screen
- Download your admit card and save the copy of admit card
- Also take the print of Admit Card for your reference
- Once the Admit card is downloaded ensure that all the details must be correct
Candidates are requested to carry the Admit Card or Hall Ticket with them, so no one be allowed to sit in the examination, if he/she do not carry the WBJEE Admit Card / Hall Ticket.
Below details are mentioned in the hall ticket or Admit card are listed below
- Name of the candidate
- Photograph of the candidate
- Signature of the candidate
- Roll number
- Application number
- Exam date
- Exam time
- Exam venue
- General instructions for the candidates
Important Dates
- WBJEE Online Registration Starts form December 2015
- Last Date of WBJEE Online Submission Form is February 2016
- Date of Examination is 17th May 2016
Important Links
my admit card download