APPSC Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket | APPSC Group 3 Admit Card Download @ : Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has issued Group 3 Panchayat Secretary recruitment notification not so recently inviting applications from the aspirants of the state. As per the notification, there are 1055 vacancies in the post that APPSC is going to fill. Aspirants have applied for the exam in huge numbers and are waiting for the release of admit card for the screening test. The admit cards are available for download in the official website of APPSC. The admit cards can be downloaded for free from the official website of APPSC.
Applicants who have applied for APPSC Group 3 Panchayat Secretary exam are waiting for the exam. APPSC has scheduled the APPSC Group 3 screening test written exam to be held on 23 April 2017. As per the scheduled date, the exams will be held in the month of April on 23rd 2017. The hall tickets for the APPSC Group 3 screening test are made available by APPSC for download in its official web portal. Students who have applied for the APPSC Group 3 Panchayat Secretary screening test are advised to hurry up and download the admit card for download. APPSC Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket Download
All the students who have applied for APPSC Group 3 exam are looking for prelims exam hall ticket. We are here to inform all the candidates that the hall tickets for APPSC Group 3 Panchayat Secretary screening test are available for download in the official website of APPSC. The exam is held in offline mode and the applications have flowed in 25, 000 numbers. The hall tickets will only be available in the official website of the board for download. No other website will host the hall tickets for download. Students who have applied for APPSC Group 3 Panchayat Secretary exam are advised to download the hall tickets as soon as possible.
The admit cards will be available only on the official website of the board. Usually, the admit cards will be made available before 10 to 15 days. As there is just 10 days time, APPSC has issued the admit card for the exam. The admit card is a very important document that needs to be carried out to the exam hall without fail. Students are advised to make sure to download the admit card and carry it to the exam hall. The official website of APPSC to download Group 3 screening test is
APPSC Group 3 Screening Test Prelims Hall Ticket 2017
All the aspiring candidates who have applied for APPSC Group 3 screening test are waiting for the hall ticket release. APPSC has finally released the hall ticket for download. Students can download their hall ticket name wise without the need of registration number. Usually, the registration number is used to fetch the hall ticket, but candidates can also use their name to get the hall ticket for download. The facility to download hall ticket name wise is provided by the board. Candidates are advised to download the admit card as per their requirement either using the roll number or the name. You can take a printout of the official admit card only from the authoritative website of APPSC. The details to provide while downloading admit card include registration number, password, and DOB.
How to download APPSC Group 3 Admit Card 2017?
- Go visit the official website of APPSC i.e.,
- On the official website, find the link saying APPSC Group 3 screening test admit card 2017 and click on it.
- The link will take you to a new page where you need to enter your details like registration number and date of birth.
- After entering the details, click on submit button.
- On submission, your admit card will appear on the screen.
- Take a printout of your admit card and keep it safe for future use.
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