Karnataka Public Service Commission – KPSC Admit Card for 968 Assistant Vacancies will be available on KPSC website, http://kpsc.kar.nic.in/ shortly. Candidates those were applied for KPSC Assistant/ Junior Assistant/1st Division Assistant/2nd Division Assistant vacancies can download KPSC Assistant Admit Card 2015 from the KPSC website soon after its release. The candidates those who have applied for KPSC Assistant jobs 2015 can check the KPSC website for more updates and latest information of KPSC Assistant Exam date 2015, KPSC Assistant Admit Card Date 2015etc. Probably the Karnataka PSC is going to release KPSC Assistant Hall Tickets/ Admit Cards 2015 before 15 days of the examination. Candidates those who were applied for KPSC Assistant and Jr. Assistant Jobs 2015 must download the KPSC Admit Card for Assistant Vacancies 2015, hence it is mandatory to carry the admit card to the examination centre without fail. Otherwise candidates are not allowed to attempt the KPSC Assistant Examination 2015. It is recommended that all the applicants can stay refresh the KPSC Official website on regular basis for more updates.
Karnataka PSC Assistant Recruitment 2015 for 968 Vacancies
Karnataka Public Service Commission has recently issued a recruitment notification for Assistant and Junior Assistant Vacancies in various departments State Secretariat: 75 posts, Lokayuktha: 21 posts, Forest Department: 162 posts, Food and Civil Supplies: 75 posts, Economics and Statics: 05 posts, Archaeology: 03 posts, Information and Public Relations: 08 posts, Horticulture Department: 43 posts, Department of Minority: 34 posts, Excise: 04 posts, Department of Ayush: 04 posts, Town and Rural Development: 03 posts, Treasury: 206 posts, Factories, Boilers, Safety: 29 posts, District and Magistrate Courts: 296 posts . The Karnataka PSC is going to select the suitable candidates for all departments by organizing written test. Candidates cleared the written test will be called for next round, interview. Applicants are eager to know about latest news of KPSC assistant recruitment 2015. The recruitment of Assistant vacancies in Karnataka in various Govt departments was advertised on 30th June 2015. The online applications were accepted from 03rd July 2015 to 01st August 2015. Last date to send the receipt of application is 03rd August 2015. Interested candidates can send their applications still there is opportunity to apply. Hence the Karnataka PSC is supposed to conduct the KPSC 968 Assistant Vacancies written test in August last week or September first week. Applicants can download their Karnataka PSC Assistant Admit Card 2015 from KPSC Official website, http://kpsc.kar.nic.in/ before 2 weeks of the examination. Aspirants can visit the KPSC website for more details. Aspirants can check the fallowing process to download the KPSC Assistant & Jr. Assistant Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2015.
Steps to Download Karnataka PSC Admit Card 2015 :
- Visit the KPSC Homepage, kpsc.kar.nic.in.
- After that on the home page you will have to find the link of “Karnataka PSC Admit Card 2015″
- Click on it and enter the info of registration number, DOB etc.
- As you submit the details your Admit card will be shown on the screen.
- Save it on desktop and make a printout of it by pressing Ctrl+ P , ensure that printer is connected to computer system before you take hard copy of KPSC Admit Card 2015.
- After making printout save it for future usage.
Karnataka PSC is authorised board of serving various needs of its affiliated departments/ organizations. The KPSC is the established state govt organization that functions for various requirements of Karnataka state. The Organization publicizes various notifications every year depending on the need of personnel in various govt organizations. Also conducts examinations and interviews to undertake the personnel depending on their performance and skill. Aspirants can visit KPSC website, http://kpsc.kar.nic.in/ to know latest jobs in Karnataka.
KPSC Assistant & Jr. Assistant Exam Pattern 2015:
The Karnataka PSC Assistant Written Test 2015 will consist 2 main papers, Paper-2 and Paper-3. Each paper consists 100 questions with 100 marks. Duration of the examination will be 90 minutes. All the questions are of multiple choice type, that is 4 answers will be given competitors need to select one right answer out of them. The Examination will be in Kannada or English language as per the choice of applicant.
- Paper-2: General English or General Kannada
- Paper-3: General Knowledge
- The maximum marks for each paper will be 100.
- The questions in both the papers will be “Objective Multiple Choice Type”.
- The duration for each paper will be 1½ hours.
Karnataka PSC Assistant & Jr. Assistant Admit Card 2015 Details
Organization : Karnataka Public Service Commission
Website : www.kpsc.kar.nic.in
No. of Posts : 968
Designation : Assistant/ Junior Assistant/1st Division Assistant/2nd Division Assistant vacancies
Category : Admit Cards
Important Dates of KPSC Assistant Posts:
KPSC Admit Card Date : 15 days before the examination
KPSC Assistant Exam Date : August End Week or September Last Week ( Tentative)
Important Links:
I want application I’d please
Kpsc halltickt when issued